Mickschl Family

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Baker Stud returns again

Shawn is currently working at Magee's Bakery in the Antique District of Lexington. Just blocks away from the Henry Clay Estate who was a cousin of Cassious Clay (not the boxer). I was right when I originally guessed that Henry Clay was related...kinda.

Shawn is enjoying working in a scratch bakery with the finest bakery ingredients. They are enjoying Shawn's ability as a baker.

Every day Shawn comes home and Evie runs out of the house screaming....Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! She then gives him a great big hug and inhales deeply and states what he smells like for the day. "You smell like donuts!" she often states.

I do believe that Shawn is enjoying being the bread winner and maker once again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and family rock...plan a "housewarming" party and we will make your food dreams come true! Glad you're happy, KY is unique but, we'll get you through it!

Kindest regards,