Mickschl Family

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Extra Seasons of Wilmore

Every place has their general four seasons.  Wilmore and the surrounding area has a few extra each year.  Our seasons are Summer, Hello, Fall, Winter, Spring and Good-bye.

Our family really enjoys the Hello season.  This is a time to get to know the new neighbors, church goers, Asbury Seminary and Asbury University folks, invite them in and make new friends.  We like to show people the area and let them in on all the things we have already learned.  We enjoy cook outs, dinners, play dates, drop in visits and just hanging out.

The Good-bye season doesn't seem to get any easier as the time passes.  We know it is coming with each family we get to know and let into our hearts.  Shawn, Evelyn and I could rattle off a slew of families we have loved and allowed to leave Wilmore.  This year among all of those that are leaving is the Hart Family.  We were blessed to get to know them over the past few years.

The great thing about Christian community is that we are all connected by a great big God who loves us and teaches us how to love others.

Joey, Shawn, Tammy, Liz, Noah and Jonathan
Liz, Noah, Jonathan and Evie
Joey with her God parents.